Enhanced Environmental ThermoChemical Treatment (EETCT) is a system of pumping two compositions of inexpensive, widely-available chemicals down concentric tubes, into the borehole, with no depth limit. The chemicals react deep in the formation.
Lowering viscosity
The reaction creates heat up to 500°C (900°F). The oil viscosity is lowered by degrees, improving the flow. This is the principle goal of the steam (SAGD) method.
Increasing pressure
The chemicals (and some oil) convert into gases, creating pockets of pressure strong enough to fissure the rock and push the oil out. This is the principle goal of hydro-fracking but, to this effect, they shoot a whole lot of water.
By achieving both the principle goals of each competition, EETCT has managed to increase production – immediately – by 2x to 12x .
Cleansing the productive layer
Furthermore, the intense heat removes asphaltenes, tars, resins and paraffin many meters in all directions, and usually lowers the water-to-oil ratio (WOR). All this preserves the integrity of the well, extending its productive lifetime, ensuring maximum recovery (reducing residual ‘leftover’ oil to as low as <10%).
Saving energy
In contrast to other leading technologies, which require enormous energy to produce the steam or water pressure, the EETCT process is efficient: energy losses are negligible (<2%), and requires no more than a few cubic litres of water to mix the chemicals.
Unharmful to the environment
The reactions occur deep in the well; very few compound by-products escape above ground. These are safe, common, mostly non-toxic gases (N2, CO2, H2). The amount of CO2 is remarkably low (think carbon credits).
The entire process is controlled, regulated, safe, fully automated, and can be performed by any experienced oilfield worker.
A team of 3 workers with one mobile pumping unit can treat and maintain up to 100 wells per year with EETCT.